BODYPSYCHE January 16, 2015 Love Your Body – Visualization Affirmations and visualization are an extremely powerful tool. They can… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
RECIPES January 1, 2015 Bonbons with Pomegranate Products for about 30 bonbons: 1 box of fresh dates… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
SPORTS December 2, 2014 Healthy Lifestyle And Motivation In Bodybuilding Interview with Scott Hansel – personal trainer and bodybuilder There… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
SPORTS December 1, 2014 Bodybuilding As A Way To Develop Interview with Scott Hansel – personal trainer and bodybuilder Could… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
RECIPES November 24, 2014 Raw Vegan Cake This is the cake we prepared for my 26th birthday.… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
SPORTS July 10, 2014 About Eastern Dance Interview with Milena Davidova – artist and dance practice teacher.… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
DETOX June 19, 2014 The Difference Between Weight Loss Diet And Detox Many people often mistake detox with weight loss diets. Actually,… Emilia Tsaneva 2 Love0
BODY June 18, 2014 To Kilograms With Love Interview with Milena Davidova – artist and dance practice teacher… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
SPORTS May 27, 2014 The Beauty Of Running Running is one of the most convenient ways to stir,… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0
BODYTHOUGHTS May 8, 2014 Are The Lost Kilograms Coming Back? Probably each one who had the challenge of reducing his… Emilia Tsaneva 0 Love0