Raw Vegan Cake

By November 24, 2014January 7th, 2022No Comments


This is the cake we prepared for my 26th birthday. Me personally, I adore preparing and eating raw cakes. First, because you can prepare them fast and easy, and second, because they are healthier, since their ingredients preserve most of their beneficial nutrients due to the fact that they do not undergo heat treatment. And on top of all that, raw cakes are extremely tasty! Well, of course, be careful with the quantity you eat!

Here is the recipe:


300 g raw almonds

30 pieces fresh dates

1 1/2 cups of water

3 teaspoons cocoa (preferable raw one chopped)

1 1/2 cups fine oats

4 bananas (really ripe)

1/2 pomegranate

Coconut dust


Soak the oats in a bit of water and let them become soft. Wash the almonds and grind them in the blender. Wash the dates, peel the cover, remove the pit and add them to the grinded almonds in the blender. Add also the cocoa in the blender together with a bit of water and then blend everything until you get thick homogeneous mixture. Put the mixture in a big bowl, add the oats and some more water, and then mix well. Add water gradually, meanwhile stir well. Be careful not to put too much water, otherwise in stead of cake, you will end up having sweet soup. This is the bottom part of our cake, so we place the mixture carefully in a cake pot.

Now it’s time for the frosting – blend the bananas well and pour them carefully over the bottom part. Decorate with a lot of pomegranate, a bit of coconut dust and cocoa. Now put in the fridge for at least half an hour, so that it gets steady and then the cake is ready to be eaten!

Note! The original recipe of this cake you can find here. (Sorry, it’s only in Bulgarian). In the original version the frosting consists of bananas and raw cashew, soaked in water for at least 4 hours. I didn’t use any cashew in this recipe, since in the place where I live now, it is hard to find such, but even without cashew, the cake is delicious.

Another note – according to the principles of divided food, you should eat fruits separately from other types of foods such as oats. If you want to stick strictly to divided food principles, then substitute the oats with hazelnuts or walnuts. Me personally, I stick to the divided food principles most of the time, but I believe that if you eat from times to times a cake with bananas and oats, it’s not a problem, as long as it’s not a habit of yours to mix fruits with other foods – otherwise it’s bad for your digestion.

Enjoy the cake and let me know how it worked!

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