The sexual attraction of the woman is extremely powerful from nature and it is necessary for a woman to cultivate and master it, so that she attracts only things that she wants in her life and only attention that is desired. According to the Vedas around our physical body is located a layer, which is our energetic body or the so-called aura. Today the availability of aura is proven by the Kirlian photography, which can take a picture of the energetic body and show us which centers of it function well and which need to be taken care of. Our energetic body includes our energetic centers or the so-called chakras. Some of them have feminine energy and other have masculine energy.
Now we will pay attention only to the second chakra, because it is the one connected to today’s topic. It is located 7 cm below the navel and it is responsible for sexuality, for joy of life, for pleasure in life and whether we release the control in life and let things happen as they should, without us trying to make them happen as we want. This center has more feminine energy and it’s not a coincidence that so many sources mention it as the residence of feminine power. Since the universal energetic field contains a lot of information about sexual abuse, many women has a wounded second center since birth. And if a woman has had bad experience in sexual aspect, then this center is traumatized for sure and doesn’t work properly.
If we are not aware of the power of this center, it has the ability to work against us, attracting unwanted sexual attention. Very often we don’t accept our sexual aspect, we have problems with it and then right away a mentally ill person comes to us to make this belief of ours even deeper. That is why it is essential to be aware of the power of the second chakra. It is given to us, so that we attract in our life everything we want and to enjoy life. In order to master the power of second chakra and to make peace with it, so that we make it our partner in achieving what we want in life, it is necessary to accept the sexuality, be aware of it and practice to cultivate it.
First of all, we need to work on our beliefs about sexuality. Do we think of it as something dirty or we have managed to accept it as something normal? Do we overuse it or are we afraid it can hinder our spiritual development? Do we cling to things, people and situations or do we manage to go with the flow of life with full awareness, that everything will be ok for us? Sexuality is sacred! Sexual energy is an extremely powerful life force, which is given to us for spiritual growth, creativity and abundance. If in some way we are blocking this energy, we are blocking the abundance and joy in our life as well.
It is necessary to realize that sexual energy is a gift and it is our duty to take care of this gift the best way possible. To use your sexual energy in order to manipulate someone to give you love is definitely an example of ill care about this gift. To suppress this gift, being afraid that this is something dirty, which will hinder your spirituality, is not a good care either. This gift has been given to us, in order to assist us, not to hinder us or to be afraid of it. The unhealthy relationship to our sexuality can lead to severe physical and psychological illnesses, for example problems with the hip joints in women and exhibitionism in a number of men. And you probably know that like attracts like – people who tend to commit sexual violence don’t have a healthy relationship with their sexuality for some reason. So if you yourself tend to suppress your sexual energy and don’t have a healthy connection to it, it’s not a surprise if you attract people from the other gender, who come to show you that you have a problem with sexuality and you need to work on it!
It is necessary that the sexual energy gets cultivated, so that it serves us in a good way and so that it doesn’t create difficulties for us regarding the abundance in life. How to cultivate it? Luckily, nowadays we have access to many practices and literature on this matter. One of my favorites are the books of Mantak Chia. Instead of me trying to tell you about his teachings, I suggest you find and read a book of his, if you feel this is the appropriate thing for you. By cultivating our sexual energy, we increase our inner power, which automatically keeps us safe from heavy situations in sexual aspect. Moreover, this inner power gives us joy, confidence and abundance! It is definitely worth it to do some effort in order to connect to our second center!