Bonbon Cake

By May 4, 2015January 7th, 2022No Comments

3/4 cup oat flakes
1/2 cup raw peeled sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons coconut butter
grape pekmez or pine tree honey
a bit of water
coconut dust
slices banana, strawberry, pomegranate and lemon for decoration

Blend the oat flakes and the sunflower seeds in a blender until there is a dust-like mixture. Put it in a bowl and add a bit of water, so that the nuts can soke it up and soften. Melt the coconut butter on steam and add it gradually to the blended oat flakes and sunflower seeds as you stir very good. Now add the grape pekmez and a bit of cocoa, and in the end add the coconut dust. Mix very well and pour the mixture in a pot suitable for cake. Now put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours, so that the base gets solid.
After the base is ready, cut a banana and strawberries into pieces and then sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on the bananas, so that they don’t get black. Decorate the cake with the fruits and you can also put a bit of pomegranate on the cake as well.

Note1: This recipe is named bonbon cake, because our first intention was to make bonbons out of it, but in stead of bonbons the mixture just wanted to turn into cake.

Note2: Grape pekmez has a bit of sour taste and that is why it is really interesting as an ingredient of a cake. It is possible that it is difficult for you to find it in your country, that is why you can substitute it with another sweetener, for example pine tree honey.

Note3: According to the food combining approach, it is not good to mix fruits with foods that are more difficult to be digested, in our case the oat flakes. That is why this cake is not consistent with the food combining approach, but it is still way healthier than the cakes you can find in the supermarket and we believe that if you don’t eat it every day, but just on special occasions, it will have a positive influence on your health.

Note4: It is a bit difficult to cut this cake, that is why you will need a really sharp knife and a suitable pot for cakes. In case you don’t have such, you can just prepare the cake in a bowl and then put it on plates using spoon. 

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